Thursday, July 26, 2012

U.S. Drought Could Cause Global Unrest

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U.S. Drought Could Cause Global Unrest
Twice in the last five years, rising food prices triggered global waves of social unrest. With drought baking U.S. crops, another round of soaring, society-straining price spikes may happen before the year's end. According to researchers from the New England Complex Systems Institute, commodity speculation -- investors betting on food prices -- will amplify the drought's market consequences, creating a new food bubble and the crises that follow.

Source: Wired
Posted on: Wednesday, Jul 25, 2012, 8:12am
Views: 14


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WOW! Women On Writing Blog: She Writes Press: A New Publishing ...

The new publishing opportunities available to writers in today's market are phenomenal. The gatekeepers, aka agents and editors, no longer have the final say on whether or not a project will find readers. Writers are being published traditionally, and this is great. But they are also finding ways to publish their books with subsidy companies and by self-publishing!

We are excited to welcome Brooke Warner with She Writes Press. Some of you may recognize her name if you have been a member of the She Writes community or taken advantage of her coaching services. She Writes Press is a new company she has started with Kamy Wicoff, the founder of Brooke took some time to answer questions about the services and opportunities She Writes Press, a subsidy press, will give to authors. So, take it away, Brooke!?

WOW: Welcome, Brooke! There's a lot of buzz going on about your new independent publishing company, She Writes Press. All the interviews and comments I've read about it have writers excited and enthusiastic about the opportunities you are going to provide women writers! So, tell me, how is She Writes Press different than some of the other subsidy publishing companies like Outskirts Press, Inc?

Brooke: There are many self-publishing options in the world today, and they vary quite a bit. We consider ourselves to be a hybrid press. MJ Rose of Author Buzz recently told me she considers presses like ours to be co-op publishers. We are offering something unique in the marketplace because we are vetting our books. In order to publish on She Writes Press, your manuscript has to be up to industry standard, and we have editors and agents vetting our projects. Some writers will qualify to publish with SWP right out of the gate. For those authors who need either developmental editing or copyediting, we present a way to move forward with us for the end goal of publishing with SWP. The other primary thing that sets us apart from other self-publishing companies is our community of writers at She Writes Press serves the She Writes community, though you don't have to be a She Writer to publish with us. She Writes Press is mirroring a traditional publishing model. We are offering custom covers and interior design, not templates. We're also giving our authors a team, support, and an opportunity to be part of something bigger. Self-publishing can be a lonely endeavor, and we believe authors will be more successful as a result of having community, resources, and support.

WOW: That is DEFINITELY true--authors need community, resources, and support! It's great to hear that She Writes Press is thinking outside the box and offering writers new opportunities. What type of projects are you looking for to be some of your first books?

Brooke: We are accepting submissions across all genres, and we're not trying to specify what can and can't be considered. Our only stipulation is that the authors be female. Other than that, we are doing almost any genre. The only thing we're not doing at the moment are children's books and other high-production art books. Our sweet spot is going to be commercial fiction and memoir just because this is what we see most in our community; but I think we'll also do a lot of literary fiction and prescriptive books as well.

WOW: Sounds like we (WOW! and SWP) have a lot in common--supporting women writers! (smiles) So just to clarify, what type of manuscripts are you accepting? Fiction and nonfiction?

Brooke: Yes, fiction and nonfiction. We've received nineteen submissions since our launch one month ago. This has included mostly fiction, four memoirs, two anthologies, and two prescriptive books. We haven't seen any genre fiction at this point, but we're open to it.

WOW: Nineteen submissions in your first month! That just goes to show you how there's a need out there for what you are offering. How does an author submit a manuscript to She Writes Press, and what's the submission process like once you receive it?

Brooke: Authors submit on our site at It costs $25, and authors receive an assessment for that price. Our readers read the submission materials and give the manuscript a recommendation for either Track 1 (ready to be published); Track 2 (needs copyediting); or Track 3 (needs developmental work). When authors get their assessments back from us, they can decide to move forward regardless of what track they're on. We have developmental editors and copyeditors ready to take the manuscript to the next level and prepare the authors for publication. Only Track 1 authors, however, qualify to go straight to publication without any outside editorial support. Once a Track 2 or 3 author has been edited, however, our editors will give us the approval that they're ready to be published. So in fact, all submissions are on track to be published if that's what the author ultimately decides and works toward.

WOW: What type of services are you offering to authors once they get a manuscript selected? Are there certain services they must purchase?

Brooke: It's just one single package, the She Publishes package, that's priced at $3900. The list of services is quite comprehensive. It includes custom interior design for up to 120,000 words; custom cover design; print-on-demand setup with Lightning Source (LSI); e-book file preparation and upload to Amazon, B & N, and iBookstore; a marketing plan that's detailed on our site; distribution to the trade; proofreading of the final laid-out manuscript; copyright filing and obtaining your Library of Congress control number; warehousing of short-run printed books; fulfillment of all orders on short-run printed books; telephone and e-mail support from a She Writes Press project manager. What's not included is the cost of the print run should an author opt for that service. POD and e-books do not cost anything beyond the cost of the package.

WOW: Thanks, Brooke, for telling us all about the She Publishes package. Once a book is published, where will readers be able to buy it? Will there be hard copies and e-copies? How will you help with marketing?

Brooke: Readers will be able to buy anywhere?at Amazon, B& N, and other online retailers as a print book or e-book. If a reader walks into a bookstore, it's more than likely that the bookstore will not be carrying the book, but they can order it. We have a distributor, and books will be easy to get. That doesn't mean we can ensure a buy-in from Barnes & Noble, however. Authors who host events or do speaking engagements can have local bookstores order their books just like they would for a traditional publisher. We will encourage authors who have a following to do a print run because the money they earn back on those books eclipses what they can make on POD and e-books. We offer fulfillment services for any customer who orders directly from an author's website at no extra cost to the author.

We will help with marketing to the extent that we will be marketing our whole list. We are currently in the process of expanding our DIY options for authors. We will be providing a lot of education. When I say that we will promote our list, by that I mean we will promote multiple books through a variety of online marketing and advertising opportunities, but we will not be focusing those campaigns and strategies on any single author. However, all authors will benefit as a result of our general drive to get visibility for She Writes Press and our books. We'll be interviewing authors on She Writes, a community of women twenty thousand strong. We will also sell books on a She Writes Press bookstore on our site, and we will be sending out a bi-annual catalog to retailers, book buyers, reviewers, and other industry people.

WOW: All of those ideas sound wonderful, and She Writes Press authors can probably help each other with marketing ideas, too, since it sounds like you will be a close-knit community. Please explain to us a bit about the She Writes Passion Project.

Brooke: The She Writes Passion Project is a carry-over from something that Kamy did every year on She Writes, which is to select an author every year whose book really needed to be published. This is Kamy's baby; and while we'll gather collectively as a staff to choose a book each year, Kamy is reviewing all the submissions, looking for that book that touches her heart and carries with it a certain spirit. The whole concept of a passion project comes from an in-house term that editors use for books they absolutely can't NOT take on. And we imagine that these kinds of books will come our way, but the criteria is a "we'll know it when we see it" type of thing. The primary motivation here is to continue to give back to the She Writes community, which has always been a core value of Kamy's. She's all about community and supporting writers, so it's been incredibly inspiring to work with her and to get to see her in action.

WOW: What an absolutely wonderful idea! Kamy sounds like a great person to work with. Is there anything else you'd like to share with our writers today?

Brooke: I just want to thank you for the opportunity. I feel that there's real synergy between your readers and She Writes (and by extension She Writes Press). We are currently in a pilot program, in a soft launch space with the press, because we are interested in gauging people's response, ideas, and experiences. As the months go on, we're anticipating adding more offerings and more creative marketing solutions. We're excited to be offering a new publishing solution to women writers out there who want to publish, but who don't want to publish in a bubble.

WOW: Thank you, Brooke, for your time and for sharing with us all about She Writes Press. For anyone interested in checking out more about She Writes Press, please go to

Muffin readers, do you have any questions for Brooke? Now is your chance to pick the brain of a seasoned professional about publishing, submitting your manuscript, marketing, the new She Writes Press, and more. Did she say something in this interview you didn't understand? Did she give an answer that you'd like to ask more about? Please ask away in the comments! Brooke will check back a couple times today for questions.

interview by Margo L. Dill?

Labels: Brooke Warner, marketing, publishing companies, self-publishing, She Writes Press, subsidy publishing


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Brittany Wenger, 17, Wins Google Science Fair Grand Prize For ...

Have you ever helped the hard-of-hearing listen to music? Or built a computer program to diagnose breast cancer? These kids have.

The five teenage winners of the second annual Google Science Fair were announced on Monday, according to Scientific American. Each of these brainy teens were chosen from among 30 finalists from around the world and were treated (along with the runners-up) to a gala held in an airplane hanger near the company's Palo Alto headquarters in California. (This is Google, after all.)

But the winners, of course, were awarded the best swag: Prizes included a college scholarships from Google for $25,000 or $50,000, trips to scientific hotspots like CERN and Fermilab, and (perhaps best of all), trophies made out of Lego bricks.

What did these brainiacs do to win the admiration of one of the best tech companies in the world? Read about each of they're projects below.



The Grand Prize winner of the science fair, for good reason, was a 17-year-old from Lakewood Ranch, Florida. Combining the fields of biology and computer science, Wenger wrote an app that helps doctors diagnose breast cancer, according to the description of her project on Google.

The type of computer program, called a "neural network," was designed by Wenger to mimic the human brain: Give it a massive amount of information (in this case, 7.6 million trials), and the artificial "brain" will learn to detect complex patterns and make diagnostic calls on breast cancer. Her program used data from "fine needle aspirates," a minimally invasive procedure that, unfortunately, is often one of the least precise diagnosis processes, according to Fox News. But Wenger is helping change that, as her program correctly identifies 99 percent of malignant tumors.

?I think it might be hospital ready," she told WWSB. "I'd love to get different data from doctors. Right now, I have 700 test samples.?

Visit her app at Cloud4Cancer Breast Cancer Detection (here) to see how it works.



For this eight grader from San Diegan, who won the 13- to 14-year-old category, it all started with a bite on his guitar. "Last year, when I wanted to play guitar with one of my friends, I realized it was much too loud in the classroom to hear the guitar," Kohn said in a YouTube video. "But if you put your teeth on the top of the guitar, then you can hear it no matter how loud it is around you."

Kohn saw implications for the hearing-impaired. For his science-fair project, he wanted to show that the experience of music could be improved for the hard-of-hearing through tactile sound.

Filtering songs down to different frequency ranges and applying those vibrations to different parts of the body (such as fingertips), Kohn showed that the listening experience of people with cochlear implants could be improved by 95 percent, based on tests of 12 individuals with hearing loss.

"I thought it was a very inspiring idea," Kohn told KPBS. "I thought it could help a massive amount of people."



For the winning project in the 15- to 16-year-old category, this trio of young scientists form Logro?o, Spain documented the microbes and other nasty things living in the fresh water on northeaster Spain.

Collecting hundreds of samples over more than three years, according to their project description, they documented the presence of microbes found in over 60 fresh water sites, establishing fresh water quality for the entire valley of the Ebro River, mapped out below. (Watch them describe their project in Spanish in a YouTube video here.)

"They went back to a very ancient tradition in natural sciences, which is sampling the real world, cataloguing what you find, and then analyzing it to try to interpret what the implications are,? Vint Cerf, Google's chief Internet evangelist, told Scientific American of their project.


Read about last year's winners here.

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Mobile gamers play ... where? PopCap Games releases new survey ...

It?s that time of year again ? PopCap games has released the numbers to another one of its extensive consumer surveys. This year?s topic centered around mobile gaming habits and was filled out by over 1,000 mobile and tablet consumers. While plenty of the survey simply affirmed what we already know about mobile, some of the survey?s responses more a bit more surprising.

For one, the phrase ?mobile gaming? might be an antiquated term. According to PopCap?s survey, 50% of all mobile and tablet gamers agreed that gaming at home was their primary destination for gaming, while ?at home on the couch? was the number one most popular place for play. The idea of the traditional mobile gamer being someone who is constantly on the go and seeking short gameplay experiences might no longer be factual.


?We already know that people play mobile games ?on the go,? but now we are seeing mobile gamers largely favor their mobile devices for home use.? said Dennis Ryan, VP of Worldwide Publishing at PopCap. ?If you add the fact we are seeing a deluge of new gamers coming in through mobile, we?believe mobile gaming is invading the last bastion of video game consoles and personal computers: the home.?

While the classic ?short burst? games will always be a fundamental staple in the mobile gaming repertoire, this increased at-home usage might very likely be the dawn of mobile devices seeing more and more fully-featured titles. Rather than seeing mobile gaming as a phone-based gaming platform, this shift in user activity could cause developers to see mobile platforms like iOS and Android as powerful handheld gaming consoles.


The survey didn?t exclude mobile gaming as an on-the-go activity, however. In fact, gamers have found some strange places to participate in their hobbies: 10% of those surveyed admitted to playing games while driving, while watching a movie, or even in a church. 9% also admitted that they had missed an appointment or other activity due to being distracted by gaming.

It looks like the ability to game on the go is a pretty powerful vice! Interestingly enough, this group of PopCap-named ?naughty gamers? has been known to spend more on Apps than the general public. According to the survey, ?naughty gamers? aim to spend $20 more this year on mobile games than the average consumer.

Whether developers seek to make their games more appealing to the at-home crowd or try and make addicting mobile experiences to appease mobile phenatics, one thing is for certain: mobile gaming is becoming a huge force that permeates through a gamer?s daily life ? both at and away from home.?

Read more: PopCap Games, mobile, tablet


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Are You Currently Enduring With Anxiety? Try out These Helpful ...

Should you be feeling nervous, it is not easy to get started on the day. You could find that you are currently making lots of lame excuses because you don?t desire to make friends or think about the things which the day involves. The result may be that you just truly feel on your own and alienated from anyone and every thing. It really is blessed that you simply found this post.

Discovering various rest methods may help people that have anxiousness to feel significantly less anxious. Make it an essential a part of each day to take a rest crack, where you can enjoy some teas, go through or simply rest. When you exercise this pleasure for 20 minutes or so every day, you will notice your anxiety levels lower with time.

Creating your thoughts in a journal can assist you unload some of your ideas so that you can rest. By placing your problems on paper it permits you to rid yourself of them, permitting rest time with out obsessing. Create each night or when it can be practical for you personally.

Tune in to your stress and anxiety therapy company, and enable him or her learn how the therapy is working for you. Your physician can dispense suggestions and prescriptions to deal with anxiety, yet it is a two-way road when it comes to interacting. A physician are not able to offer spherical-the-clock proper care, so you should supply enter regarding how your treatment solutions are advancing.

Annoying your self from anything that difficulties you could make combating nervousness much easier. Rather than studying personal-assist publications, watch TV or remedy a word problem. Surround your self with people whenever feasible. Many folks locate relief from signs and symptoms of anxiousness by making use of diversion methods when sensation one of the most anxious.

Just about the most significant things you can do while searching for several respite from your anxiousness is always to begin looking for answers. It might be challenging to take that 1st step, but when you do you can start relocating to a repair.

In no way assume you?re alone when dealing with anxiousness. Just search across the several dietary supplements offered by your nearby merchant, and you could realize that millions of individuals also are afflicted. Take this into account if you are sensing isolated, you will find other folks available and you could locate aid.

To be able to control your nervousness, you should identify its source. Possibly your nervousness ranges are highest while you are below tension at the workplace? If that is the situation, explore the situation together with your supervisor. Once you know what is causing anxiousness, you can begin receiving it out of your existence.

The most important step is identifying what your anxiousness causes are. See whenever your anxiousness commences and present it a name. Placing a name on your activates making you far more mindful of them, supplying you with higher power over your anxiousness degrees.

Sometimes panic and anxiety attacks and heart attacks sense related. Probably the most discernible variation is that while an anxiety assault moves, a cardiac event fails to. It?s crucial to not identify oneself, the resule could possibly be deadly. If you feel you might be possessing a cardiac event, get healthcare aid immediately.

Ensure you are giggling as much as possible. You will find your way of life to be more content if you laugh, which, will keep stress and anxiety aside. Comedies, other television shows, and in many cases amusing folks are a fantastic way to achieve this. Supplying oneself possibilities to laugh can drastically aid lower your feelings of anxiety.

Now you know about several techniques to use to deal with your nervousness, you just might ensure that is stays from managing your daily life. Get the things you have discovered, and assume control back again in your lifetime. Using this assistance, you are able to eventually provide an stress and anxiety-cost-free daily life.

There is more information available about how to stop anxiety see Wenona Q. Raley?s site there is a lot of information not covered on this page, find those details at Author?s site to uncover more.


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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The President, Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil addressing at the farewell function, at Parliament House, in New Delhi on July 23, 2012. The Vice President, Shri Mohd. Hamid Ansari is also seen.

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Kitchen Remodeling Tips

When it comes to kitchen remodeling, their are a quantity of a frequent misconception on just what kitchen remodeling is. Several people presume that to remodel a kitchen you need to change the whole thing, from kitchen cabinets, light fixtures, backsplashes entirely the way down to the floor covering. While a substantial number of homeowners do choose to remodel their complete kitchen, their are other people who just choose to remodel small parts of it. Even if you are aiming to remodel your complete kitchen all at once or if you are only researching to remodel a section of it, new kitchen cabinets are one of the most commonly transformed parts of a kitchen.

You should to be incredibly thorough when deciding on your kitchen cabinets and the choice must not be made on an impulse, while you will be living with your new kitchen for a very lengthy time. You should work with a kitchen designer to help bring out your thoughts with the latest fashions and trends in home improvements. Inde Home Remodel Design Studio found in Rochester has a full staff of kitchen designers in addition to specialist crafstman. This is a very unique home improvement retail area, it is over 5000 sq ft and you will find a collection of kitchen cabinets, hardwood flooring, ceramic tile, backsplash, lighting, hardware, interior in addition to exterior home remodeling samples all on display. This is a grand technique to choose which cabinets would look great set up in your fresh kitchen.

When exploring meant for the ideal style of kitchen cabinets intended for your kitchen home improvement plan their are various essential things to bear in mind. Starting with the greatest kitchen design that fits within with your existing home plan, the value and construction of the kitchen cabinets, color of wood, what type of counters, are you considering granite counter tops, lighting also of course funds, these are all things that an experinced kitchen designer know how to assist you with. Even as you are doing your study on kitchen cabinets you must take into account the class of the cabinets plus how it will fit in your house. it is essential to look at the size of the kitchen cabinet itself. The majority home improvement stores sell kitchen cabinets that are not completely put together also they are frequently precut to dimension. It possibly will be likely to alter the measurements although you may well find it to be tricky and expensive to do so. Although you may possibly be more concerned about the color or design of a kitchen cabinets, it is vital to keep in mind the basics. Even the most lovely kitchen cabinets will not do you any good if it are not able to be set up within your kitchen. That is why it is very imperative to pick an knowledgeable respectable home remodeling contractor.

By keeping all these effects in mind you must be able to go out in addition to find the kitchen design along with kitchen cabinets that you are aiming for. It is imperative to check recommendations on the kitchen remodeler that you plan to utilize, this is a important place of your house that you would like to be happy with moreover enjoy for years to come. As soon as you have found the kitchen design plus kitchen cabinets of your aspirations, the kitchen remodeling plan can begin. We encourage you to stop into Inde Design and Kitchen Remodeling in Rochester for all your home remodeling progects.

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Monday, July 23, 2012

The New Skorpio X3 Sets The Standard For Retail Data Collection ...

Posted July 23, 2012

The?Skorpio X3?rugged mobile computer by Datalogic ADC represents innovation at its best. Retailers can benefit from all the latest advances that technology and engineering have to offer in this compact and ergonomic solution that fits any retail requirement for mobile data collection.

The Skorpio X3 mobile computer can be used for a variety of applications by the retail store associate, such as assisted sales,?inventory and stock management. It offers the largest high-visibility color graphic display (3.2in) with touch screen in its class. This, combined with its specially crafted ergonomic casing, increases the viewing area in an extremely compact form factor, while its trendy design, compact size and light weight provide excellent balance and superior handling. The Skorpio X3 also resists shocks, tumbles and multiple drops from 1.5m, guaranteeing reliable performance with every scan.

One of the achievements obtained from the cutting edge technology used in the Skorpio X3 mobile computer is its inclined scan engine, which scans 1D and 2D bar codes without the need to move the wrist, reducing operator fatigue to a minimum. This feature, together with Datalogic?s patented Green Spot technology, presenting a green spot directly on the code for good read feedback, makes the Skorpio X3 easier to aim and quick to read as the collected data can be viewed on the display while scanning.

Anti-Aging is Now Much More Than a Cosmetic Cream - Pharmacy ...

Optimum Vision Pte Ltd, a Singapore based company, launched today a new Anti-Aging program accommodating the increasing demand of people over 40 for practical regimen to reverse body aging damages backward and to slow down aging process forward.

Singapore (PRWEB) June 29, 2005

The new Anti-Aging for YOU program is a cutting edge holistic approach to health and longevity for mid-age people. The program supports the general recognition that is given to the anti-aging medicine science, emphasizing the combination of exercise, diet and supplements as a core three pillars for life extension and disease prevention.

The new anti-aging innovation is more of a life style than a program, and it leverages the body building science for the fitness plan, a balanced high protein & high-carb/low glycemic diet for the nutrition plan and over the counter main stream antioxidants and energizers for the supplement plan.

Dov Oshri, managing director, says that ?for the first time busy people over 40 have an easy-to-follow new life style that results in full body transformation. Unfortunately, most people do not aware of the possibilities they have to reverse their age. Only cosmetics and pharmaceutical companies take advantage promoting new anti-aging drugs and creams, while the real solution is based on the special lifestyle. Anti-Aging for YOU offers an opposite direction to these conglomerates. The program?s unique message is that you do not need to spend big money on drugs, hormone replacement therapy, or expensive creams to have great anti-aging results.?

Anti-Aging for YOU promotes the new program through its website The program targets baby boomers and X generation that put wellness on high priority. Dov Oshri, Optimum Vision Managing Director, transformed himself following Anti-Aging for YOU life style. ?Body transformation is a tough goal for people on their twenties and thirties, but it is almost impossible for people over 40 because of the hormone deterioration and demanding career that do not leave to much space to fitness activates. Therefore this program was initially designed for very busy professionals, and I was implementing it while I was a Vise President and CFO of two NASDAQ listed companies.?


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Advice For Planning Sailing Vacations

There are quite a few various kinds of sailing vacations that one could enjoy. Planning a sailing vacation nevertheless, can be a little bit overwhelming and this article will talk about a few tips and recommendations in order to make the planning procedure a little bit simpler.

Plan a trip with other holiday makers which have the same objective that you do If you are a new comer to sailing vacations or if you are on a restricted budget then it would be a good idea to plan to enjoy a sailing vacation together with other holiday makers who're also looking to enjoy the exact same type of experience that you are. You'll be able to learn from fellow guests along with the crew on board the vessel.
Deciding whether or not to charter a vessel One of the most attractive choices when it comes to sailing vacations would be to charter a vessel and be able to sail the actual boat out on the water yourself. There's quite a lot of fun as well as adventure to be had when choosing this option. Having the ability to charter a vessel and enjoy the waters with a few family and friends or simply on your own is a truly unforgettable experience. Nevertheless, it is extremely important to take factors such as your level of experience, skill and confidence into account prior to renting a boat.
Booking a yacht as well as crew This really is one of the most costly sailing holiday choices. Yachts are quite big and have all the crew, supplies and amenities you have to enjoy expended sailing vacations at sea. You can enjoy private cruises through the Carribbean for example.
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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Regarding reaction to the reaction to Sparrow being end-of-lined

Regarding reaction to the reaction to Sparrow being end-of-lined

Yesterday it was announced that Google had acquired Mac and iPhone Gmail app Sparrow, and that the Sparrow team would be joining the Gmail team, and Sparrow would be receiving no further updates.

Some users were really disappointed, and expressed as much here on iMore, on Twitter, and through various other mediums.

And that led to some push back from some developers. Matt Gemmell best framed the push-back, so not to single him out, but to provide context for the discussion, I'll link to his framing. Here's a brief excerpt of what he posted on, but do go read the whole thing before continuing here:

Cue predictable squawking on the internet. The same thing happens every time there?s an acquisition of a smaller, indie dev company or product by a larger company.

People try to dress their reaction up as a principled stance or a community cause, but that?s at best wrong-headed thinking, and at worst wilfully egocentric bullshit.

This is one of the most classic blunders in customer relationship management. No, not "never get involved in a land war in Asia...", but "never take up an equal and oppositely wrong headed, egocentric position in an argument".

The crux of this argument is that Sparrow doesn't owe users anything. Users paid, got the version of the app they paid for, the transaction was one-time and completed. And that users have no right to complain now.

The first few points are completely accurate. The last one, that users have no right to complain, is flabbergasting. (Yes, as someone who worked in software marketing for years, my gasts are literally flabbered.)

Certainly there's a segment of the user base that is outrageously entitled. There are those who believe that they shouldn't have to pay for software, even though they themselves get paid for their work, or who run beta operating systems or jailbreak and then leave negative reviews for apps they themselves broke, or that once they buy one version of an app, they're forever owed all future versions, for free. All of which is nonsense.

However, there's also a segment of the developer community that's just as outrageously entitled. That believe their success is detached from their user base. That they can act anyway they like, and that any negative reaction by their user base should be dismissed at best, attacked at worst. All of which is also nonsense.

Both beliefs do a disservice to the developer-user relationship, a relationship that can be powerfully beneficial for all parties involved.

There's a middle ground here. We can be thrilled for the Sparrow team's success and thrilled for Google for acquiring their talent. We can look forward to everything they'll bring us in the future. But we can also mourn for Sparrow,for an app we enjoyed and recommended highly, that we made part of our workflow and may soon need to replace, that now has no future.

A developer is no more obliged to keep updating an app in perpetuity, for any reason, than a user is obliged to purchase every update a developer ever releases, forever. Apple can stop making iWork and I can stop buying iWork updates. Adobe can stop making Photoshop and I can stop buying Photoshop updates.

If something happens beyond a developer's control, however, and they can no longer sell their app -- if it's rejected or removed from the App Store, if an API they depend on is threatened or denied them, if they're copied by the platform owner - they have every right to be pissed, or sad, or to complain about it. (Just look at the complaints about sandboxing and Twitter uncertainty) -- all well justified.)

And by the same token, if something happens beyond a user's control, and a they can no longer buy an app -- if it's removed from sale due to litigation, if it's discontinued, if an intermediary like Apple refuses to sell it -- they have just as much right to be pissed, sad, and complain.

A passionate customer base should be humbly nurtured, never taken for granted, or worse, arrogantly dismissed. If you're a developer, understanding that can be the difference between amazing customer relationship wins and detrimental public relations gaffs.

The reaction to Sparrow is no different than than the reaction to Tweetie being replaced by the new Twitter for iPhone. It's no different than the reaction to Firefly being canceled.

Humans become invested in what we enjoy. We feel connected to it. We share pride in its successes and take issue with its failures. The benefit to those who develop or produce such things is enormous -- continued revenue, powerful word-of-mouth advertising, popularity, and support.

Our passion for products is infectious -- we tell our friends, our families, and our colleagues, and we spread word on Twitter, Facebook, forums, and more. We recommend what we love and we feel responsible for what we recommend.

And the flip side of that passion, the reaction to it being lost, the price paid when it is taken away, is that we voice our displeasure just as loudly, in just as many mediums. We mourn. And then we move on.

If you break up any relationship out of the blue, own it. Anticipate the reaction. Plan for it and handle it with grace and respect. The Sparrow team did just that. They sympathize, thanked, acknowledge, and used the opportunity to build even stronger support for the future.

But whatever you do, don't ever tell users -- customers -- that they don't have the right to complain, because then you're turning them into opponents. And how much opportunity does that future hold?

Response to: Matt Gemmell


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Movie massacre: Shock, sadness, a search for clues

AURORA, Colo. (AP) ? A Colorado suburb shocked and saddened by a deadly shooting spree at a midnight unveiling of the latest Batman movie grieved for the victims while authorities sought a motive and a safe way to reach clues inside the suspect's apartment, still apparently rigged with an elaborate booby trap.

Police grimly went door to door late Friday with a list of the victims killed in the worst mass shooting in the U.S. in recent years, notifying families who had held out anxious hope that their loved ones had been spared inside the packed theater near Denver.

Twelve people died and 58 were injured in the attack early Friday, a few of those not by gunfire but in the chaos that ensued as the audience tried to flee the smoke-filled theater, authorities said. Among the wounded, 11 were listed in critical condition.

The deceased victims included 23-year-old Micayla Medek, said Anita Busch, the cousin of Medek's father. The family took the news hard, but knowing her fate after waiting without word brought them some peace, Busch said.

"I hope this evil act, that this evil man doesn't shake people's faith in God," she said.

Besides Medek, relatives confirmed that Alex Sullivan and Jessica Ghawi were among those killed, Sullivan on his 27th birthday.

Hours after the shootings, it remained unclear what drove the suspect, identified as 24-year-old James Holmes, to fire round after round at the unsuspecting audience watching "The Dark Knight Rises." Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates said Holmes used a military-style semi-automatic rifle, a shotgun and a pistol that he had bought at local gun stores within the last two months. He also recently purchased 6,000 rounds of ammunition over the Internet, the chief said.

The suspect's stellar academic record, apparent shy demeanor and lack of a criminal background made the attack even more difficult to fathom.

It also wasn't known why the suspect chose a movie theater to stage the assault, or whether he intended some twisted, symbolic link to the film itself.

The new Batman movie, the last in the trilogy starring Christian Bale, opened worldwide Friday with midnight showings in the U.S. The plot has the villain Bane facing Bale's Caped Crusader with a nuclear weapon that could destroy all of fictional Gotham.

In New York City, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said: "It clearly looks like a deranged individual. He has his hair painted red. He said he was the Joker, obviously the enemy of Batman."

Oates would not confirm that information, but did say he had spoken to Kelly. The two used to work together in New York. Asked whether Holmes had makeup to look like the Joker, Oates said: "That to my knowledge is not true."

Near the entrance to the Aurora theater's parking lot, a makeshift memorial of 12 candles sat in a row near piles of flowers. Up the hill, about 20 pastors led an emotional vigil for about 350 people, some hugging and crying. A sign read, "7/20. Gone Not Forgotten."

An emotional Gov. John Hickenlooper said earlier Friday that people would not be defined by the tragedy.

"We are clear that we are going to rise back and lift ourselves above this," he said.

A federal law enforcement official said Holmes bought a ticket to "The Dark Knight Rises," went into the theater as part of the crowd and propped open an exit door as the movie was playing. The suspect then donned protective ballistic gear and opened fire, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing investigation.

Authorities said he hit scores of people, picking off people who tried to flee. At least one person was struck in an adjacent theater by gunfire that went through the wall. Adding to the terror and chaos were gas canisters thrown by the suspect that filled the packed suburban Denver theater with smoke.

Tanner Coon, a 17-year-old Aurora resident who was watching the film with two friends, said he first thought the gunshots were firecrackers. When he realized what was happening, he ducked between the seats and waited for the shooter to say what he wanted.

"When is he going to start telling us what to do? When is this going to become a hostage situation?" Coon said.

When the firing ended, Coon said he started running up the row but slipped in blood and fell on top of a woman who was lying on the ground. He tried shaking her, he said, but she didn't respond, so he left her behind and ran out of the theater.

Within minutes, frantic 911 calls brought some 200 police officers, ambulances and emergency crews to the theater. Holmes was captured in the parking lot. Police said they later found that his nearby apartment was booby trapped and ordered other residents in the building and surrounding homes out of the area.

Police were not able to enter the apartment Friday night and Oates said they will try again on Saturday.

"It is a very vexing problem how to enter that apartment safely," he said.

Kaitlyn Fonzi, a graduate student at University Hospital who lives in the apartment below, said she heard loud music coming from that unit apartment. She went upstairs and put her hand on the door handle. She felt it was unlocked, but she didn't know if he was there and decided not to confront him.

Fonzi called police, who told her they were busy with a shooting and did not have time to respond to a noise disturbance. She said she was shaken to learn later that the apartment was booby trapped.

"I'm concerned if I had opened the door, I would have set it off," she said.

The shooting was the worst in the U.S. since the Nov. 5, 2009, attack at Fort Hood, Texas. An Army psychiatrist was charged with killing 13 soldiers and civilians and wounding more than two dozen others. It was the deadliest in Colorado since the 1999 attack at Columbine High School, where two students killed 12 classmates and a teacher and wounded 26 others before killing themselves.

Holmes had enrolled last year in a neuroscience Ph.D. program at the University of Colorado-Denver, though he left the program last month for unknown reasons. In academic achievement, "he was at the top of the top," recalled Timothy P. White, chancellor at the University of California, Riverside, where Holmes earned his undergraduate degree before attending the Denver school.

Those who knew Holmes described him as a shy, intelligent person raised in California by parents who were active in their well-to-do suburban neighborhood in San Diego. Holmes played soccer at Westview High School and ran cross-country before going to college.

Police released a statement from his family Friday that said, "Our hearts go out to those who were involved in this tragedy and to the families and friends of those involved."


Associated Press writers Kristen Wyatt, Steven K. Paulson, Ivan Moreno and Mead Gruver in Aurora, Dan Elliott, Gillian Flaccus, Nick Riccardi and Colleen Slevin in Denver, Tom Hays in New York, Monika Mathur and Jennifer Farrar at News Research Center and Alicia A. Caldwell and Eileen Sullivan in Washington contributed to this report.


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Promoting good customer service ? good for you, good for business ...

I?m a glass-half-full person by nature, but every once in a while the pervasive?bad news?leaves me with?a heavy heart.? The past few days have had that effect, with the ongoing reports of senseless bombing in Syria, continuing famines in the Sahel region of Africa going hand in hand with the unfathomably brutal internal conflicts in Sudan, and other stories of unimaginable horrors.? In our part of the world, I despair that so many people in positions of leadership find it easier to point fingers at each other than do the right thing and be part of a solution. We lead by example, and too often the examples are not providing lessons that should be emulated. ?Man?s inhumanity to man sometimes overwhelms me, despite many examples of improvements in the human condition.? I have to keep reminding myself that we are a work in progress.

OK, enough of that.? Instead, let?s consider what makes us feel good about the world around us.? For most people, being treated with respect is high on their list.? And if someone greets us with a smile as well as respect, it?s almost impossible not to smile in return.? ?Do unto others as you would have them do unto you? never fails.? Why do we keep forgetting that?

And that brings me to how we can put this universal truth to good use in the workplace: with good customer service.? Good customer service should be a no-brainer, right?? Apparently it?s not.? Many enterprises have that concept as part of their mission statement, but too often that sentiment does not translate into practice.? Good customer service includes ensuring that employees obtain the knowledge they need to be helpful.? It includes ensuring that employees appreciate the importance of respect and responsiveness, which is easier for them to buy into when they see frequent examples within the organization.? It means that company policy allows for flexibility so that unusual situations can be handled proactively, with positive outcomes, rather than reactively, with lingering bad feelings.

A remarkable story from January 2011 exemplifies the concept of good customer service.? A grandfather who was in Los Angeles on business was given news unimaginable to all of us ? his 3-year old grandson had been murdered.? He arranged to fly home to be with his daughter, in the hopes of getting there before the little boy was taken off life support. ?Everything seemed to be against him: slow traffic, long lines at LAX, endless security checks with nobody willing to let him go ahead. ?By the time he got past two hours of lines and ran to the gate, by his reckoning the plane would have left the gate 12 minutes earlier.? But the Southwest Airlines pilot was waiting for him.? The pilot told him, ??They can?t go anywhere without me and I wasn?t going anywhere without you. Now relax. We?ll get you there. And again, I?m so sorry.?? Now that?s customer service.? And in order for this to happen, somewhere along the line more than one Southwest employee had passed along the message, which implies that there was something in the Southwest culture that empowered those employees to do the right thing.? That?s what can make a difference more broadly: cultivating a corporate culture of good customer service top-down as well as bottom-up.

One enterprise whose ?product? personifies good customer service is Disney.? They share their secrets to successful management through their Disney Institute, in which all of their lessons focus on ways in which to cultivate a culture of good customer service enterprise-wide.? As I mentioned in a previous post (Bhutan and Disney World, two places where happiness matters), at Disney employees are trained to view their job as making their customers (aka guests) happy.? And, as we all know, making other people happy makes?us happy. It?s a win-win formula.

We can all think of places where we like do to business because the people are friendly and helpful.? And we can all think of places that we?d rather avoid because the service is invariably slow, unhelpful, or rude ? and sometimes all three.? Sometimes our good experiences are purely by luck; the enterprise, through no expectation on their part, has hired someone who is helpful and friendly by nature.? Other times, the place is a pleasure to interact with because everyone treats you well and seems to enjoy what they do.

Where I live, one example of a place with good customer service is Home Depot.? I know two people whose retirement plan was to work at Home Depot because they love working with tools and they couldn?t imagine anything more fun than helping people choose the best tool for their needs.? If you go to our local Home Depot it doesn?t matter what you are looking for, not only is there a knowledgeable person to help you, but a knowledgeable person to help you with enthusiasm.? It is part of their culture.? Another favourite example of mine is the Running Room, where employees love nothing more than helping people get kitted out to run and sharing their excitement.

We all have choices in how we approach our work, regardless of whether we are in sales, service, teaching, management, or any other function.? We live in a stressful world, where we can encounter many frustrations every day, and it is easy to get angry and point fingers.? But anger begets anger and this makes us all losers.? If, instead, we take a deep breath, give people the benefit of the doubt, and show by example a constructive way to overcome an issue, everyone stands to benefit.? The same thing applies to life outside of work.? What can we do, aside from choosing to frequent places that provide good customer service?? How about leading by example?? People might just follow your lead!


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Next Week in Greenbelt Arts and Entertainment | Greenbelt Live

This is a weekly preview of arts and entertainment-related events IN Greenbelt, MD, or anywhere else if they showcase Greenbelt artists or entertainers.? Coming soon:? Greenbelt A&E events for the coming month!? Both will be regular features of Greenbelt Live.

Jesse Eisenberg and Ellen Page in "To Rome with Love"

Monday, July 23

- Woody Allen?s To Rome with Love at the P&G Old Greenbelt Theater (where it?s cool).

Tuesday, July 24

- Imaginative folk & covers by Steve Haug: A repertoire that spans a hundred lifetimes and as many genres performed on an arsenal of instruments. 7 to 9 pm at New Deal Cafe.

- Woody Allen?s To Rome with Love at the P&G Old Greenbelt Theater (where it?s cool).

Wednesday, July 25

- Cajun Music Jam 7-9 at New Deal Cafe.? Bring your instruments!

- Woody Allen?s To Rome with Love at the P&G Old Greenbelt Theater (where it?s cool).

Thursday, July 26

- Mid-Day Melodies with Amy C Kraft (12 to 2 pm at New Deal Cafe

- Greenbelt Arts Center at Capital Fringe Festival

Our successful production of Alice in Wonderland is being remounted as our entry into the Capital Fringe Festival. In this Steampunk-inspired production, our ensemble cast of six will take you on a wild ride through the highlights of Lewis Carroll?s twin masterpieces, ?Alice in Wonderland? and ?Through the Looking-Glass?.
Venue Name: Fort Fringe ? Redrum. Venue Address: 612 L Street NW, Washington, DC 20001.? 6:00 p.m.? Tickets on sale NOW online and at Fort Fringe. - Woody Allen?s To Rome with Love at the P&G Old Greenbelt Theater (where it?s cool).

Friday, July 27

- Jazz and blues piano by Takoma Park?s own John Guernsey 6:30 to 8 pm at the New Deal Cafe.

- The Badger Band - Grateful Dead ? Dylan ? Originals ? Jam Band, featuring members of the legendary Jello Boys 8 to 11 pm at the New Deal Cafe.

- ?Lincoln and God,? written by Anthony Gallo,? opens at the Greenbelt Arts Center.? A guest production from Seventh Street Playhouse.
The Maryland Premiere of Tony Gallo?s critically-acclaimed play about that relationship helps celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation and Greenbelt?s diamond jubilee. As seen at the Kennedy Center, National Press Club, and Dramatists Guild of America in New York City.
July 27, 28, August 3, 4 at 8:00 p.m. ; July 29 and August 5 at 2:00 p.m.? Ticket prices: $17 General Admission, $14 Students/Seniors.? Buy Tickets

- Greenbelt Arts Center at Capital Fringe Festival
Our successful production of Alice in Wonderland is being remounted as our entry into the Capital Fringe Festival. In this Steampunk-inspired production, our ensemble cast of six will take you on a wild ride through the highlights of Lewis Carroll?s twin masterpieces, ?Alice in Wonderland? and ?Through the Looking-Glass?.
Venue Name: Fort Fringe ? Redrum. Venue Address: 612 L Street NW, Washington, DC 20001.? 9 p.m.? Tickets on sale NOW online and at Fort Fringe.

- Jazz Jam w/Greg Meyer (pictured above). Bring on your jazz groove and participate in this community jam session!! 1 to 5 pm at the New Deal Cafe.



- The Capitol Hillbillies? ? New Orleans-style jazz and gospel, hot blues, early country, and jug band tunes.? 8 to 11 pm at the New Deal Cafe.

- ?Lincoln and God,
? written by Anthony Gallo, at the Greenbelt Arts Center.? A guest production from Seventh Street Playhouse.

The Maryland Premiere of Tony Gallo?s critically-acclaimed play about that relationship helps celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation and Greenbelt?s diamond jubilee. As seen at the Kennedy Center, National Press Club, and Dramatists Guild of America in New York City.? July 27, 28, August 3, 4 at 8:00 p.m. ; July 29 and August 5 at 2:00 p.m. Ticket prices: $17 General Admission, $14 Students/Seniors.? Buy Tickets


Sunday, July 29


- The Improbables ? featuring fine harmonies and innovative guitar accompaniment, The Improbables perform an eclectic selection of originals and covers including folk, country, bluegrass and pop.? 5 to 8 pm at the New Deal Cafe.

Venues ? Click for address and other vital info.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Halle Berry suffers minor head injury on Los Angeles set

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

S&P 500 falls for seventh day in eight

[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], '', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], '', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], ' ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], '', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], '', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], '', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], '', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], '', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], '', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]


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